Article |
Article name |
Development Strategy of Primorsky Region: from the Past to the Future |
Authors |
Baklanova I.I.Candidate of Philology, associate professor ibaklanova@yandex.ruRomanov M.T.Doctor of Geography, Head of Laboratory |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
332.146.2:502.7 |
Article type |
Annotation |
Based on the analysis of long-term factors for development and on retrospective analysis of the
strategies for the region’s development in previous historical periods, the authors share their vision on
the Development Strategy of Primorsky krai until 2050. It is substantiated that under complex geopolitical conditions, Primorsky krai as a strategically meaningnful region requires large-scale transformations
and accelerated pace of development again, similar to the period of industrialization as an
example. It needs an ambitious long-term strategy that can be titled like “Pacific Russia–2050”. A
new paradigm of Primorsky krai development in the framework of the “Pacific Russia–2050” strategy
nowadays may be associated with additional technical and technological modernization as it was in
the period of industrialization, and with advancing development of economic centers in the contact
zones coupled with intensive use of its considerable natural resource opportunities. At the same time,
technical and technological modernization at the present stage should be tied with overall implementation
of innovative technologies. The “human factor” and “high technologies” related to it, along
with favorable geo-political and resource preconditions, should become the main “drivers” for the
regional development at the new stage.
Key words |
Primorsky Region, development factors, development strategy, modernization, innovative
technologies. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Development Strategy of Primorsky Region: from the Past to the Future |