Article |
Article name |
The Main Approaches to the Study of the Concept of ‘Gender Identity’ in Science History |
Authors |
Rikker Y.O.graduate student |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
008:351.858 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The paper gives a diachronic analysis of the transformation of the existing views on the interpretation
problem of the term “gender identity” as a phenomenon of the social identity of a person.
The most important concepts in the history of socio-humanitarian views on the problem of gender
identity of a person are considered. The gender dimension of human life is influenced by socio-cultural
space, which in turn also forms the gender dimension of existence. A vicious circle formed by their
interaction specifies the mechanisms of formation of socially acceptable gender identity and culturally
defined gender stereotypes that function in society and affect the formation of gender identity.
Key words |
gender, gender identity, multipolarity, bipolarity, androgyny. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | The Main Approaches to the Study of the Concept of ‘Gender Identity’ in Science History |