Article |
Article name |
Modern Russian art Culture: Novelty of Visualization |
Authors |
Bagauv Y.D. postgraduate student juliabagauv86@mail.ruBekisheva A.V.Assistant a_bekisheva@mail.ruKuz’mina M.Y.Assistant marinabaksh1@rambler.ruLyashenko E.S.Junior Researcher |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
008 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The paper is devoted to research of tendencies of modern art culture development in Russia,
that is characterized by a new language of visualization of meanings. Topicality of the research is
determined by asymmetry of development of new visual technologies and insufficient content of national images. The basis of appearance of new forms of visualization such as electronic folklore,
installations, performances, electronic images, computer cinema installation in cinema, animations,
visual-graphic practices,etc. is perfection of techniques which contribute to mass consumption,
distribution, acceleration of transmission of information in visual culture. The authors propose a
project which contributes to the research, classification and detection of regularities, principles and
fundamental tendencies of the new forms of language in modern art culture, assimilation of new
possibilities in the visual language. Ways of theoretical comprehension of new visual images and
design of theoretical models directed to estimate the tendencies of development in the visual language
in modern Russian art culture are analyzed. The main approach of research is cultural and semiotic
analysis of forms of visualization appearance in modern art culture, a semiotic method contributes to
a comprehensive study of semantics problem in modern forms of visualization.
Key words |
visualization, the language of culture, Russian art culture, electronic image, cultural
meaning, visual message. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Modern Russian art Culture: Novelty of Visualization |