Article name Pedagogical Features of Effects of Mathematics Students’ Cognitive Activity on their Personal and Professional Development
Authors Nikitenko A.V.Senior Lecturer
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.147
Article type
Annotation The paper presents a variant of the description of pedagogical features enhance the cognitive effects of mathematics students in their personal and professional development. Activation of cognitive activity is designed as a pedagogical system in vocational education. One of the embodiments of this system is to address methodological training systems to three academic disciplines: the auxiliary discipline for the development of information and communication technology tools of learning; discipline of choice with the features of high school to educate students in mathematics due to the methodology of the content of academic disciplines with optional competencies and future professional activities; discipline professional undergraduate cycle and the cycle of general professional specialties using a mixed methods study. This contributes to a more effective development of students of mathematics competencies that are important to their personal and professional development (professional competence and the ability to self-development, self-education, subjective control over a variety of life situations, social and communicative competence).
Key words activation of cognitive activity, personal and professional development, student of mathematics.
Article information
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