Article name Role of Acidosis in the Mechanisms of Formation of Multiple Organ Failure (MOF)
Authors Alfonsova Y.V.Candidate of Science (Medicine)
Zabrodina L.A.postgraduate, Department of Medical and Biological bases of Physical Education and Sports
Bibliographic description
UDK 616-092.19
Article type
Annotation The authors carry out the analysis of review of literature about the influence of lactate acidosis in the development of multiple organ failure at the patients being in critical state. Hyperlactatemia is one of the most wide-spread metabolic disturbances at patients in critical state. It accompanies the most difficult phase of systemic inflammatory response, i.e. multiple organ failure (MOF). During emergency state at patients the precursors of multiple organ failure (MOF) are often aggravating metabolic disturbances in organs, systems and tissues with the development of syndrome hypermetabolic hypoxemia. In these conditions mitochondria becomes more sensitive to acidosis, incompletely oxidized metabolic products launch the mechanism of “mitochondrial dysfunction” and close the vicious circle of metabolic disturbances by increasing hypoxemia. Such changes occur in the myocardial metabolism and they lead it to structural changes. Myocardial infarction (MI) is the corollary of them. Because of it, the working of theoretical principles of the development of multiple organ failure (MOF) and its pathogenetically proved prophylaxis and treatment are at the centre of attention of scientists.
Key words lactate acidosis, mitochondrial dysfunction, multiple organ failure (MOF), critical states, hypoxemia, systemic inflammatory response (SIRS).
Article information
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Full articleRole of Acidosis in the Mechanisms of Formation of Multiple Organ Failure (MOF)