Article |
Article name |
Lexical Means with Spatial Limit Meaning as an Object of Linguistic Research |
Authors |
Gashinova Y.S.Postgraduate Student |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
81’37 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article attempts to analyze the level of knowledge and historiography of the linguistic
objectification problem of “spatial limit” in the Russian linguists’ works. Research at different
linguistic system levels of knowledge representations which human consciousness
forms representation about the reality with is considered as an important branch of modern
linguistics. Such knowledge includes “spatial limit” - a special mental construct where the
human mind divides the world into separate pieces, gives semantics, correlates with each
other, and thus, exposes to categorization. The article presents an overview of works by
Russian linguists where the facts of language, reflecting the complex ideas associated with
the perception of a given category are given. The overviewed works allowed to determine
the main directions, ideas and concepts in the study of this concept and to determine the
prospects for further research. The reviewed works allowed concluding that in spite of the achievements of modern
cognitive scholars in the field of space researches, the problem of “spatial limits” still remains
insufficiently studied. In spite of some common concepts and methods of research,
there is no concrete specific model for the study of these categories. In the study of “spatial
limit», there is lack of fundamental researches, which leads to contradictions in the formation
of the main features of this category. However, this position in cognitive linguistics
enables the development of new ideas and research directions in this category. The information
presented in this article can be used by linguists interested in the problems of
representation of ideas about the space by a native speaker.
Key words |
linguistic picture of the world, cognitive linguistics, semantics, concept, language
representation, spatial limit, lexical-semantic field. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Lexical Means with Spatial Limit Meaning as an Object of Linguistic Research |