Article name Cultural Identity Types of Small Ethnic Groups in Terms of Assimilation
Authors Gomboeva M.I.Doctor of Cultural Studies, professor
Zamoshnikova N.N.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Sundueva D.B. Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher
Bibliographic description
UDK 008
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the definition and description of the cultural identity types of small ethnic groups that formed a separate ethno-territorial areas of stay in Eastern Transbaikal transborderland. Small ethnic groups1 in the conditions of cultural isolation, assimilation and cultural domination demonstrate different adaptation strategies: from the formation of parallel society with a high degree of ethno-territorial localization to positioning pseudo (quasi) identity. The main methodological tool for studying the cultural identity of small ethnic groups is a language’s state as a factor of the identification of religious identity, forms of life support and the self-identification nature. Analysis of the language serves two functions, as an object of study and analysis tool of the structural elements of small ethnic groups’ identity. As the empirical material in the article involved narrative evidence on the impact factors of cultural isolation of shenkhensky Buryat in the People’s Republic of China on safety of culture; about the degree of small ethnic groups assimilation in Eastern Transbaikaltransborderlandin terms of cultural domination (stories descendants of the Russian old-timers’ population of Mongolia, the Russian old-timers’ settlement of Trekhrechya in China, Shilka khamnigans Zugalaya Agin-Buryat district of Russia). These groups are in backdated search of identity between ethno-local minority and included unit in the structure of the dominant group or between the visual stylization the “indigenous”, endogenous population and recreation positioning archaic cultural practices, ideas and meanings. On their example four types of cultural identityare identified and described, representing the stages of ethno-genesis of small ethnic groups in the processes from cultural isolation to cultural assimilation: capsule, consolidation, diffuse and pseudo-morphic.
Key words small ethnic group,identity, structure of identity, self-identification, types of identity.
Article information
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