Article name Psycho-Pedagogical Features of Gifted Adolescents and Taking them into Consideration in Terms of Innovative Educational Space
Authors Rychkova V.V.The Senior Researcher of Laboratory on Work with Gifted Children, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.015.3
Article type
Annotation The article examines the actual organizing problems of the detailed support and providing the development of the child giftedness. The psychological and pedagogical features of gifted adolescents are made thanks the deep literary analysis, the key scheme components which define the existence and development of fading of giftedness are distinguished. The difficulties that teachers of the educational institutions meet while working with gifted adolescents are empirically revealed. Besides the alternative model of a gifted teenager is presented, who should not be viewed through a simple set of crises of the gifted child and adolescent, but as a kind of hard -organized mobile, developing system. The teacher organizes the goal-oriented work for providing the gifted adolescents’ development or the correction of their personal deformations according the psychological and pedagogical features of gifted adolescents. The theoretical analysis is proved by empirical researches made by the author in educational institutions of Zabaikalsky Krai. The approach of the modern innovation space organization on the base of the diagnostic will allow the assistance of the development of the adolescent’s giftedness according the needs of the psychological and pedagogical special features in his or her development.
Key words gifted child, crises of adolescence, gifted teenager, socialization, adaptation, the teacher’s professionalism, providing the development of the giftedness.
Article information
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