Article name The Basic Principles of Spiritual and Moral Education of Individual in the Modern concept of V. M. Menshikov
Authors Sapozhnikovа A.G.Headmaster
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.034
Article type
Annotation In today’s world, the problem of studying of the components of spiritual and moral education system of the individual in the context defines the purpose of education and educational work of the teacher – to identify and justify the principles, technologies, methods of organization of spiritual and moral education in primary schools. Pursuing this issue, we decided to consider how traditional approaches in the education of the individual and unconventional, focused on absolute values. This article is devoted to the consideration of the basic principles of spiritual and moral education of the individual, which are reflected in the modern concept by V. M. Menshikov. The article provides a brief historical-pedagogical analysis of the use of traditional principles of individual’s spiritual and moral education in the domestic pedagogy in relation to non-traditional principles that formed the theoretical basis of education scholar. The main goal of this paper is to identify and justify the basic principles of spiritual and moral education of the individual based on the modern concept by V. M. Menshikov. The study found that the use of non-traditional principles in domestic pedagogy allows us to speak of the necessity to be seen as the main subject of pedagogical activity education of the individual, aspiring to a certain ideal, embodied in the image of God and sent on its transformation.
Key words spiritual and moral education, personality, principles of education, educational activities, Orthodox teaching, ideal.
Article information
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Full articleThe Basic Principles of Spiritual and Moral Education of Individual in the Modern concept of V. M. Menshikov