Article name The Influence of Time Perspective on the Professional Self-Development of Future Teachers
Authors Vinogradova N.I.Doctor of Psychology, Professor
Lesnyanskaya Z.A. Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation The article considers a problem of professional self-development of preservice teachers, the importance of time perspective development and time competence of students. The article substantiates the relationship of time perspective and professional self-development of personality, the relationship of time competence and full self-realization in the profession. It argues the need for psychological support of students’ professional development during their studies at the university. The authors describe the results of a comparative analysis of akmeogramma of future teachers’ pedagogical growth; the results of ascertaining study of the peculiarities of time perspectives and professional self-determination of senior pupils, and the relationship of time perspectives and professional self-determination. It demonstrates the timeliness and the need for time perspective development, time competence during studies at the university that is effective for further professional and personal self-realization.
Key words time perspective, time competence, professional self-determination, professional self-development, self-realization.
Article information
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Full articleThe Influence of Time Perspective on the Professional Self-Development of Future Teachers