Article name Quality of Education as One of the Aspects of Students\' Council Activity
Authors Kalinina L.I.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation Authors of the article analyze the existing approaches to the student council’s functional role in assisting education quality improvement process and quality assessment of educational programs. The authors show the significance of elaborating different ways of student council’s participation in the control of professional education quality. The problem is presented in the light of the necessity to establish internal academic staff activity and student satisfaction (overall conditions and results of the education) evaluation systems so it can be taken into account in assessing the performance of educational institutions of higher professional education. Authors describe student councils as a part of institute of higher education management system as its activity is conducted according to the approved strategies of educational management theory: direct management, goals management, etc. The authors also prove the significance of student council’s participation in quality assessment and quality control processes in institutes of higher education. The experience of independent evaluation of Transbaikal State University education quality management system is shown as an example. The activities of All-Russian social movement «For High Quality of Education» are illustrated. Conditions of Transbaikal State University student council’s participation in described processes are defined.
Key words quality of education, education quality assessment, quality control in education, student council, activities of student council.
Article information
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Full articleQuality of Education as One of the Aspects of Students\' Council Activity