Article name Measuring of Research Performance of Higher Education Institutions of Primorsky Krai (on the Base of Efficiency Monitoring of 2014)
Authors Lagireva I.A.Researcher
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.1
Article type
Annotation The article analyses the outputs of efficiency performance of Higher Education institutions monitored by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2014. The author considers the overall approaches and criteria, as well as the threshold values which are used for measuring performance of Primorye education institutions. According to the key monitoring parameters the author reckons the higher education institutions and branches of Primorsky Krai. The special analysis is given to the scores of research performance indicators, as well as to the reckoning of the monitoring participants compared to the HEI median values in the region. The special attention is given to the follow-up science community’s disputes about the monitoring report, critical remarks and suggestions. On the base of analytical studies there is a conclusion on an ambiguity, relativity of the monitoring outputs, and imperfection of this procedure, on the necessity to broaden a range of used value criteria and revise some principals and approaches. The Ministerial approach for measuring performance of education institutions with the author’s critical analysis of its obtained outputs can orient the Russian high education institutions to optimize their work and improve their competiveness, as well as to contribute to reinvigorating the development of the national research and education system as a whole.
Key words efficiency monitoring of education institutions of Higher Education, HEI, branch, performance indicator, evaluation criterion, research performance, Primorsky Krai.
Article information
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Full articleMeasuring of Research Performance of Higher Education Institutions of Primorsky Krai (on the Base of Efficiency Monitoring of 2014)