Annotation |
Article describes the actual professional self-perfection questions of pedagogical working person. The submitted
stages of professional and personal achievements reveal contradiction of scientific and educational environment
with their simultaneous solution by self-knowledge, which is adequate to socio-cultural situation changes.
The comparative analysis of the current state of affairs in the educational science sphere and the possibilities
of achieving the projected results of the professional and personal results are updated the resolution of tasks.
The prospects of professional and personal self-perfection of the teacher as subject self-knowledge activities,
based on the level of his mental disability (low, medium, high), the capacity for self-management an individual resource
of forces (a sense of proportion, open-mindedness, self-control), resistance to external negative manifestations
(volitional, emotional , mental immunity) in the communicative events and contacts are analyzed in the article.
The authors propose a three-level model of identity reasonably minded teacher as a subject of self-knowledge
activity, reflecting the quality of mental disability (mental diligence mental independence, mental self-sufficiency),
the format of thinking in the ability to evaluate himself, the results of his professional activities, the level of culture
of pedagogical communication.
In the scientific circulation the following issues are introduced: the concepts of volitional immunity as the
ability to systematically analyze the mistakes, to comprehend the cause, intensify individual resource forces for
self-resolution of problem tasks, to overcome difficulties, to continue to provide professional planning, scientific
activities; emotional immunity as the ability to maintain composure, inner balance in all situations, and communications;
mental immunity as ability, as a result of mental activity, to withstand external negative interactions “during”
communicative events and prevent possible complications “before” their occurrence.
It is proved that the development of mental work capacity, the strengthening of volitional, emotional, mental
immunity, due to effective self-government of individual forces resource, contributes to the growth of sensibly
minded, opens up further prospects of professional and personal self-improvement for reasonably thinking subject
pedagogical activities.
Key words |
self-knowledge, person of pedagogical action, professional and personal self-perfection, mental
work capacity, volitional, emotional, mental immunity, anticorruption actions. |
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