Article name Multilevel Laboratory Works as a Form of Common Cultural Competence Formation at Physics Teaching of Bachelors of Technical Training Areas
Authors Pavlutskaya N.M.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.147:53
Article type
Annotation The transition of the national higher education in a multi-level training system requires searching of such pedagogical techniques that will help to take into account the individual student’s abilities in the full extent, also will allow to become a subject of educational process, as well as to form bachelors’ common cultural competence. Consequently, classes can and have to be organized in the way that all necessary competence should be founded, formed and developed there. In this context, the organization and carrying out multi-level laboratory works is of a great importance, it takes into account the individual abilities of bachelors, enhances motivation of studying the subject, forms the elements of scientific activity, allows generating and developing bachelors’ common cultural competence. The practical use of such laboratory works helps to increase the motivation of studying the subject, leads to the formation of elements of scientific activity, which is significant in developing of cultural competence, as well as career-oriented training of bachelors. The author notes the advantages of using this type of cognitive activity, such as a high degree of activity and independence of students while carrying out the experiment, the development of skills and abilities for the analysis of observations and measurements using not only conventional means but also new information technologies. This article discusses the opportunity of using multi-level laboratory work for creating common cultural competencies of bachelors, and also there are examples of different complexity level tasks used in the teaching practice by the author, that allow students not only to choose the level, based on the extent of their training on the topic, but also to increase the motivation of learning.
Key words common cultural competence, multi-level laboratory works, individual abilities of bachelors, motivation, formation of scientific activity elements.
Article information
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Full articleMultilevel Laboratory Works as a Form of Common Cultural Competence Formation at Physics Teaching of Bachelors of Technical Training Areas