Article name Structure Adaptations of Amur Bank Plants to the Conditions of Existence: Report 2
Authors Tsidenova K.G.Senior Lecturer
Kasatkina A.P.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 574 + 581.5 (571.6)
Article type
Annotation The article presents the structural adaptation of the Amur River bank plant to basic conditions of existence at the micro-morphological level on the example of three stenotopic species: Gratiola japonica Miq.,Limosella aquatica L. and Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Borb. (fam. Scrophulariaceae). It was revealed that adaptation of species to the sandy-muddy bank habitats is carried out thanks to the histological changes of plant tissues. The narrow specialization of the species do not affect to the typical structure of plant organs and reduction of their internal structure. Adaptive value has the following micro-features: the suberization of cortex andcutinization of epidermis surface, the development of the aerenchyma with the schizogenic air cavities, separated from each other the live natural parenchymal cells, the sclerotic solid central cylinder. The studied species are characterized with land micro-morphology (tissue sclerotization, suberization and cutinization), but not hydrophytes. It is assumed that the specific bank complex formed mainly of the land species.
Key words Gratiola japonica, Limosella aquatica, Lindernia procumbens, micromorfology, sandy-muddy bank habitats, Central Amur Lowland.
Article information
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Full articleStructure Adaptations of Amur Bank Plants to the Conditions of Existence: Report 2