Article name Wind Mode of Zabaikalsky Krai
Authors Noskova E.V.
Obyazov V.A.Doctor of Geography, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 551.883
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the spatial distribution of the territory of Zabaikalsky Krai main characteristics of wind: speed and direction. For the analysis we used the data from Zabaikalsky management for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of the 24-year period (1990–2013 gg.) at 26 meteorological stations. There is an analysis of the spatial variation of the characteristics of the wind regime showed a variety of prevailing wind directions due to location of the territory in rough terrain where the terrain has a great influence on the distribution of the different wind directions The conclusion is made that in the whole territory of Zabaikalsky Krai, wind speeds are low. It is clearly expressed in its annual monthly course. Wind speed is the lowest values in winter, when the territory is located on a spur of the Siberian anticyclone. In spring and autumn, as its destruction and filling the wind speed increases. In the summer due to the weakening of the atmospheric, circulation is reduced. Calms have greater repeatability. Their frequency of occurrence in the average of the territory is about 38 %. The results can be used to monitor the climate in the region, climate services sectors of the economy. Characteristics of wind conditions are necessary for the development of wind energy inventories territories, updating building codes. In recent years, the issue of wind energy to convert it into electricity is more and more urgent.
Key words Zabaikalsky Krai, wind speed, repeatability of wind directions, calm.
Article information
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