Article |
Article name |
About Demographic Component of the Geopolitical Potential of Russia |
Authors |
Romanov M.T.Doctor of Geography, Head of Laboratory mavr@tig.dvo.ruRomanova I.M.Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Department |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
32 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article presents a comparative assessment of demographic and economic potentials of
Russia and the potentials of “ten” countries with the greatest military power. The authors note its inadequate
level for the state with specific geopolitical and historical role in the world, and its huge natural
resources and other opportunities for development focused on an independent policy. In comparison with the other major components of the geopolitical potential of Russia its demographic potential is
the “weakest link”. The authors believe that elimination of the “weak links” in the Russian geopolitical
potential at the beginning of the XXI century lies in operational and persistent building-up of its demographic
and economic components, coupled with maintaining a sufficient level of defense potential.
Under contemporary conditions any delay with the development of economic and demographic
components of the geopolitical potential of Russia is unacceptable. Their accelerated build-up should
become one of the key points of ideological doctrine and strategy of the long-term development. The
values of the basic parameters of the world today’s superpower states should be taken as quantitative
targets of it. Approaching to such values, in fact, is a prerequisite for stable functioning of the
economy and possibly its survival as an integral and independent state.
Key words |
geopolitical potential, geopolitical relations, demographic and economic components,
competitive advantages, population dynamics, correlation, long-term development strategy. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | About Demographic Component of the Geopolitical Potential of Russia |