Article name The Website Discourse: Interaction with Other Types of Discourse, Genre Features
Authors Peskova E.N.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 004.738.5 + 659.44 + 070
Article type
Annotation Internet communication is the most rapidly developing segment of mass communication. In this regard, the author is seen as essential in the study of such a communicative phenomenon as Internet discourse. Enough remains the problem of scientific understanding of the correlation of this category with meta-discourse, and the question of diversity of species and functioning in the Internet space. Of particular interest for research in this article is the discourse of the web site. Genre originality of this type of discourse is caused by the use of one communication platform palette journalistic, advertising and PR-genres. Analysis of the classifications of advertising texts, made by the modern Russian researchers, showed that there are a number of controversial issues related to the assignment of individual genres of advertising to one group or another. According to the author of the presented work, this is due to the relative novelty of advertising communication for Russian science. In relation to the genre of journalistic and PR-texts generally accepted approaches, have formed some authoritative point of view, because these spheres of human activity are earlier and empirically validated. Thus, the discourse of the web site has a number of features, which are the result of the unique characteristics of the web page as a communication instrument. This is primarily the technical capabilities of the site, its interactivity, the specific features of perception of the Internet audience, etc. The main conclusions reached by the author, may be useful for scientific sphere in the course of further study of the features of the discourse of the web site of various sectors of society, and also the results will help practitioners to improve the efficiency of interaction with the target audience through the web of text and diversify its content from the point of view of the whole range of genres.
Key words meta-discourse, computer discourse, Internet discourse, web site discourse, journalistic discourse, advertising discourse, PR discourse, genres of journalism, advertising and PR.
Article information
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Full articleThe Website Discourse: Interaction with Other Types of Discourse, Genre Features