Article |
Article name |
The Women’s Position in Contemporary Chinese Society |
Authors |
Tsypilova S.S.Candidate of History |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
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Article type |
Annotation |
The article is based on the study of historical literature; statistical data discusses some
aspects of the women’s position in contemporary Chinese society. The author shows the
main characteristic features of women’ position, typical for traditional Chinese society. Socio-
economic processes that began in China at the end of the 80s – the 20th century are
resulted in significant changes in the structure of the Chinese society. Modern Chinese
women are actively involved in the socio-political and socio-economic processes. In the
article the position of women in economy, family, healthcare and education are discussed
in detailed. It is revealed that women continue to meet with discrimination in employment.
There is a tendency of concentration of women in low-paid and informal sectors of economy.
In marriage and family relations women have become more free and independent.
In modern society to the former traditional value orientations of the girls (marriage, family,
and children) new ones have been added: obtaining education and profession, career and
financial independence. Women are focused on equal rights relations in the family, sharing
housework and childbearing. The image of the Chinese women at the modern time has
greatly changed under the influence of socio-economic transformation and western values.
Key words |
Chinese woman, family, society, position of women. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | The Women’s Position in Contemporary Chinese Society |