Article name Research Principles of Conceptual Model of the Regional Press (from Educational Training Experience of Journalists in Sevostopol Branch of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov)
Authors Kokhanova L.A.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 070.1
Article type
Annotation The article summarizes the results of study of the regional press, conducted in eightyfour subjects of the Russian Federation in order to stimulate the interest of young people in public and political life of the country. The author identifies a number of principles to effectively structure the investigation, among them: the newspaper has a future, but it becomes another; requires a new generation of newsmen who have technological competence; there is a “renaissance” of newspaper content, but the formation of new approaches to presenting information; regional press is a press of young professionals who owns journalistic skills and new information technologies. On the basis of these principles there is an analysis of the content model of the newspaper. The wording of these principles will help to structure the study itself and focus on the analysis of the content model of regional periodicals for 2004–2015. Particular emphasis was placed on a philological component. Experience has shown that substantial model publications reflect the general laws of the press, which consists of the following components: thematic focus, genre palette modality materials (information sign), the local materials, and source of information, lexical and stylistic features. The study highlights the key themes covered in the regional editions. The author notes that the generalization of the data allows you to mark a significant transformation of the regional press, actively explore the online space, but the text, not graphics continues to be its primary. The structure of the text, its components and features, lexical and stylistic features gradually come to the fore.
Key words journalism, regional press, media texts, meaningful model, lexical and stylistic features, genre.
Article information
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Full articleResearch Principles of Conceptual Model of the Regional Press (from Educational Training Experience of Journalists in Sevostopol Branch of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov)