Article name The Russian Idioms Research within the Students’ Cross-Cultural Communication
Authors Zhang Lei .. Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 811.161.1
Article type
Annotation The language communication is strengthened as the Chinese-Russian relationship has developed. One vital reason for people to learn Russian is that people become more interested in Russia and Russian people. For a better way to teach Chinese foreign language, the natures of language should be empathized. One example is Russian idioms. Leaning Russian idioms is a way to enhance the language communication. In other countries, learning Russian idioms is an effective method to learn language, to develop the communication of knowledge and know the world around. The classification of Russian idioms covers freedom, faith, love and inner world of people. There are many kinds of problems confront Chinese students when learning Russian. These problems lie not only in their thoughts and understanding, but also in their using of idioms in the practice. This result comes from the linguistic and cultural conventions and psychological cognition. Students increase their interests in learning Russian idioms. The article is to study how to skillfully use Russian idioms in communication with foreigners. The study of phraseology and their use in the speech of foreigners ensures the effectiveness of bilateral cooperation.
Key words idioms; cross-cultural communication; the interior connection; tradition.
Article information
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