Article |
Article name |
New New Areas Using of the Powerful Ultrasonic During Internal Tapping Screw |
Authors |
Berezin S.Y.Doctor of Engineering chumakov@mail.ruKulesh I.M.Associate Professor, kulesh. irina22@yandex. ru |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
621.7/9 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The experience of the application of high-power focused ultrasonic to activate the processes of internal threading is considered. The constructions of tooling with focusing units for installation on drilling machines are presented.
Key words |
ultrasonic, tap, forming tap, threading, tapping screw, focusing, acoustic lens, focal area, thread-cutting block. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | New New Areas Using of the Powerful Ultrasonic During Internal Tapping Screw |