Article name Organization of Innovative Environment in the Management of Scientific Research at College
Authors Yakimov O.V.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
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UDK 377
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Annotation The article deals with the foundations of the innovative environment organization in scientific and methological support of the Polytechnic College. Innovative approaches in the organization of college information and methodological center work, introduction of innovations to the system of pedagogical workers’ professional development are considered in the paper. Some experience in realization of innovative approaches in methodological activity of the Polytechnic College is presented in the article. The authors proved the need of introduction of innovations in management processes and scientific and methodological support of the college. There are some examples of innovative introductions in pedagogical practice through teachers’ councils, operation meetings, public reports, holding master classes, and also examples of carrying out methodological actions in a non-standard form in the article. The descriptions of holding operation meetings, scientific and practical conferences with the use of interactive methods and direct participation of each pedagogical worker are provided. The facilitation methods, “world cafe”, foresight-games and their application in pedagogical practice are described in the article. The authors in detail describe these methods in the system of pedagogical workers’ professional development organization and advise to use them in daily teaching practice. According to the authors, pedagogical aspects of innovations introduction in educational process provide personal formation and improvement in pedagogical activity. The authors accentuate the need of interactive forms of carrying out various activities, they prove the efficiency and give examples of successful innovative initiatives of the college methodological work organization. The detailed description of the pedagogical innovations introduction to college scientific and methodological work, which are realized at the level of college organizational structure, is interesting for the practicing administrative and pedagogical employees at secondary professional educational organizations.
Key words innovations, innovatics, professional education, information and methodological center, methodological maintenance.
Article information
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