Article name Connection Between Physics and Literature in Modern Physics ducationE
Authors Bordonskaya L.A.Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Serebryakova S.S.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 373:37.091.3
Article type
Annotation 2015 has been officially designated the Year of Literature in Russia. Its main idea is to develop interest to Russian and world literature, to popularize reading and book culture in all its manifestations. This circumstance actualizes finding opportunities for using literature in modern physics education. There are two aspects in solving the problem of connection between physics and literature in educational process: content-information (science in the system of culture, different lines of interconnection between science and literature), organizational-procedural (possible directions, forms, methods and means of finding interconnection between physics and literature in educational process). The paper proves necessity and importance of representing connection between physics and literature in modern physics education. The authors develop different lines and directions in interaction between physics and literature occurred in history of culture. Based on analysis of different sources, content elements of the unit “Physics and Literature” that could be found in modern physics education are given. The main directions in teacher and student activity enabling to reveal physics and literature interconnection are presented. The paper particularly focuses on physics problems as special means forming students’ ideas of connection between physics and literature.
Key words physics, literature, cultural component of physics, educational process, physics problems.
Article information
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