Article name Application of Trekrezan Adaptogene and Graduated Physical Exercise with Arterial Hypertension and Obesity
Authors Iskakova Z.T.Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor
Zvereva M.V.Candidate of Medicine, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 613.25
Article type
Annotation The study involved 72 male patients aged 30 to 35 with obesity and hypertension. The study was held at the Central polyclinic of the Federal Customs Service of Russia. The first group (control) consisted of 36 males aged 32,8±2,9 with hypertension and obesity got only antihypertensive drugs (enalapril 10mg/day). The second group consisted of 36 males aged 31,4±4,5 with hypertension and obesity, got trekrezan 0.2g tablets 3 times a day for 3 weeks together with antihypertensive therapy. The patients underwent 2 of such courses over 6 months of observation. Apart from the basic therapy, all male patients received trekrezan 600 mg/day for 21 days, 2 courses over 6 months. Trekrezan intake together with enalapril basic therapy caused a significant decrease in the levels of TSH and LDL cholesterol as compared to the control, as well as a significant decrease in the end-diastolic volume (EDV), end-systolic volume (ESV), IVSd, LVM and LVMi. Thus, trekrezan intake as a supplement to the basic therapy of patients with hypertension and obesity significantly decreases the level of metabolic disorders and has a positive effect on indices of cardiac hemodynamics.
Key words arterial hypertension, obesity, trekrezan.
Article information
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Full articleApplication of Trekrezan Adaptogene and Graduated Physical Exercise with Arterial Hypertension and Obesity