Article name Religious Conflict as Non-Religious: Form, Content, Structure
Authors Ryazanova S.V.Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher
Bibliographic description Ryazanova S. V. Religious Conflict as Non-Religious: Form, Content, Structure // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. Sociology. Social Work. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 26–32. DOI: 10.21209/2308–877Х-2016-11-3-26-32.
DOI 10.21209/2308–877Х-2016-11-3-26-32
UDK 2-76
Article type
Annotation In this article the question about essential features of a religious conflict – one of the most significant phenomena revealing the role of religion in modern culture – is considered. The author tries to define the main components of such a conflict and to detect among them specially those which are of exclusively religious origin. This attempt could give us a chance to classify the phenomenon under consideration and to treat it as wholly special. The author proposes to describe religious conflicts as collisions resulting from diversity of participants’ outlook and connected with their claims of resources, influence and status. The religious components of these collisions are characterized according to the principle of facet classification, and conflicts are divided into intrapersonal, personal, interpersonal, group and intergroup ones. The author also analyzes the main social elements of religion – the doctrine, cult practice and daily religious activity – as a potential source for a conflict and determines which of them are incapable to produce religious conflicts. It is stressed that this conflict has never existed in its pure form, but it is used to legitimate external actions from the other spheres of social life. The religious component seems to be represented only by participants of these conflicts pursuing not actually religious aims. The religious outlook can hardly transform conflict’s social nature and create its special version.
Key words world outlook, religion, religious conflict, classification of conflicts, ideal model, components of conflict
Article information
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Full articleReligious Conflict as Non-Religious: Form, Content, Structure