Article name Implementation of Requirements of Professional Standards of Pedagogical and Administrative Personnel as the Factor of Transition to the Effective Contract in Higher School
Authors Ivanov S.A.Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor,
Bibliographic description Reference to the article Ivanov S. A. Implementation of Requirements of Professional Standards of Pedagogical and Administrative Personnel as the Factor of Transition to the Effective Contract in Higher School // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. Sociology. Social Work. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 180–188. DOI: 10.21209/2308–877Х-2016-11-3-180-188.
DOI 10.21209/2308–877Х-2016-11-3-180-188
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation The requirements to the activity of an educational organization determined by a state policy of the Russian Federation define a system of requirements to personnel in which the effective contract is an instrument of its formation. Success of its introduction depends on implementation of professional standards requirements which are defined according to needs of the economy based on knowledge. Methodological base of transition to the effective contract is the system of descriptors defining characteristics of qualification which make a basis of professional standards and also Foresight methods revealing the perspective directions and technologies of higher education transition from current state to a development stage. Development of competition in the education market, increase of requirements to the quality of education from the labor market impose new requirements to human resource management in the educational organization in the conditions of implementation of professional standards’ requirements proceeding from distinction of the academic, professional, professional and pedagogical and administrative qualification. The professional qualifications describing various levels of professional education system`s interaction with the labor market define the generalized requirements to human resources, give a reference point of educational ways of professional training.
Key words effective contract, professional standard, professional education teacher, educational organization manager
Article information
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Full articleImplementation of Requirements of Professional Standards of Pedagogical and Administrative Personnel as the Factor of Transition to the Effective Contract in Higher School