Article name Modern Additional (Extracurricular) Education in China – the Result of an Effective Politics of Reforms
Authors Kirienko E.А.Doctoral Candidate
Bibliographic description Kirienko E. А. Modern Additional (Extracurricular) Education in China – the Result of an Effective Politics of Reforms // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 5. PP. 28–31. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2016-11-5-28-31.
DOI 10.21209/2542-0089-2016-11-5-28-31
UDK 374(510)
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the current state of the additional (extracurricular) education in the People’s Republic of China. For many years it was believed that an additional (non-formal) education in China is not an element of the system, since the additional sessions did not go beyond secondary school and were intended to deepen the knowledge gained in the process of learning in the classroom. Exceptions were only the Houses of Pioneers. Now the situation has changed, and China brought extracurricular education at the system level. Across the country modern versatile children’s centers are built, there are mobile systems for remote and inaccessible areas. Innovative programs to work in these centers are created. However, the basic principles of the organization of additional education beyond the school walls were and still are the principles laid down by the Russian (Soviet) pedagogics. Taking into account the specifics of the Chinese culture and ideology of the party, the ability to combine the new, connected with the historical roots, raises the issue of continuity of interaction between tradition and innovation. A general description of the current state of an additional education in China is given. The author focuses on the relation between the development of the educational system, economic and political course of the country and the emergence of additional education system in China, as part of the general education system.
Key words China, additional (extracurricular) education, tradition, innovation, reform and development
Article information
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Full articleModern Additional (Extracurricular) Education in China – the Result of an Effective Politics of Reforms