Article name Preparation of Foreign Language Teachers in a Retrospective of the Development of Pedagogical Education (the XIX – Early XX Centuries)
Authors Klimenko T.K.Doctor of Pedagogy, professor
Levchenko O.Y.Candidate of Pedagogy, associate professor levchenkozip@
Bibliographic description Klimenko T. K., Levchenko O. Yu. Preparation of Foreign Language Teachers in a Retrospective of the Development of Pedagogical Education (the XIX – Early XX Centuries) // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 5. PP. 48–52. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089- 2016-11-5-48-52.
DOI 10.21209/2542-0089-2016-11-5-48-52
UDK 373(091)
Article type
Annotation Contacting authors of the article to the history of professional training of foreign language teachers in Russia has indisputable relevance, since it contributes to the rebuilding of historical retrospective of Russian educational system as a whole. Based on the study of historical documents and historical and pedagogical works, the authors prove that the preparation of foreign languages teachers in the XIX – early XX centuries was elective and was conducted in different types of educational institutions (teacher’s seminaries, institutes, gymnasiums, etc.). The shortage of foreign language teachers caused the practice of involving to teaching the foreigners some of which didn’t have the proper vocational training. The foreigners who wished to be engaged in teaching of foreign languages were obliged to undergo the special tests. The article shows that the issues of training of foreign language teachers have repeatedly attracted public attention and have been discussed in various scientific and pedagogical meetings. The increasing of the level of professional competence was carried out at the expense of language training abroad, congresses, courses, and self-education. As an example, the authors present information about the activity of the department of modern languages, created at Moscow University. The issues concerning the organization of foreign language education were discussed at the pedagogical congresses and it is promoted the improvement of professional skills and exchange of positive experience. Comprehensive study and creative use of the accumulated historical experience seems to be significant in the context of modernization of the national foreign language education at the modern stage.
Key words history of pedagogical education, foreign languages
Article information
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Full articlePreparation of Foreign Language Teachers in a Retrospective of the Development of Pedagogical Education (the XIX – Early XX Centuries)