Article |
Article name |
Theoretical Understanding of the Concept of Resistance in Domestic and Foreign Studies |
Authors |
Zakernichnaya N.V.Postgraduate Student |
Bibliographic description |
Zakernichnaya N. V. Theoretical Understanding of the Concept of Resistance in Domestic and Foreign Studies // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 5. P. 61–66. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2016-11-5-61-66. |
Section |
10.21209/2542-0089-2016-11-5-61-66 |
159.9 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The investigation of man’s resistance becomes very actual in modern times, because of
some factors: political, socio-economical and ecological. The use of modern high technologies
has a great impact on man’s psychological health, causing depression, neuroses, stress, improper
behavior. Despite the intensive study of the phenomenon of resistance by domestic and foreign
psychologists, the problem of development, identification of some characteristics of this integral
personal quality remains poorly understood. Some main items of resistance are considered in the
article, which are reflected in the works of foreign and domestic researchers. Main stages of the
formation of resistance concept in the history of science are taken into consideration. Besides,
some directions of studying resistance in foreign studies are given: resistance as the personal
ability to adapt to different stressors; study of risk factors of resistance; research of resistance as
an individual man’s feature. Key directions of domestic researches of resistance are pointed out in
the article: resistance in the structure of personality and as an existential problem; resistance as
a manifestation of integrated individuality; resistance as a resource; resistance in the context of
mental development. The conducted research, which is presented in the article, allows us to say
that contradictions in interpretations are not due to different approaches to the problem of human
resistance, but to some peculiarities of levels to the analysis: from adaptation to self-determination
and realization of people’s life purpose.
Key words |
resistance, resilience, vitality, research, value, meaning |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Theoretical Understanding of the Concept of Resistance in Domestic and Foreign Studies |