Article name Training of Students for Literary Education of Junior Schoolchildren
Authors Kurganskaya A.V.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Kurganskaya A. V. Training of Students for Literary Education of Junior Schoolchildren // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 6. PP. 23–29. (Series Vocational Education, Theory and Methods of Teaching).
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation In the article the problem of training of students – future elementary school teachers – to literary education of junior schoolchildren is covered. The author indicates the need for update of the content of future primary general education teachers’ training in connection with the introduction of the Federal state educational standards of primary general education and higher education emphasizing at the same time the importance of competence-based approach to the students’ training. Such concept as “literary education” is considered, approaches to literary education of junior schoolchildren and components of literary education are described: experience of creative activity; reader’s and speech abilities; knowledge of ways of activity and the art or informative work, and the text; receptions of the work analysis; experience of the emotional and estimated relation to the world; reading circle. Also in the article the author analyzes contents of the program of discipline “Theoretical bases and technologies of primary literary education”, its purposes, tasks, the competences formed at students in the course of studying this subject are described, possibilities of the course for training of students for literary education of junior schoolchildren are presented. The author offers the tasks for students promoting formation of general professional and professional competences and describes one of the means of checking the level of their formation, i. e. “A literary portfolio”.
Key words iterary education, components of literary education, approaches to literary education of junior schoolchildren, competence-based approach, students’ training for literary education of junior schoolchildren
Article information
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