Article name On Preparedness and Ability of Future Teachers to Communicate in the Professional Sphere
Authors Korotaeva Е.V.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Bibliographic description Korotaeva Е. V. On Preparedness and Ability of Future Teachers to Communicate in the Professional Sphere // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 6. PP. 30–36. (Series Vocational Education, Theory and Methods of Teaching). DOI: 10.21209/2308-8796-2016-11-6-30-36.
DOI 10.21209/2308-8796-2016-11-6-30-36
UDK 378.147
Article type
Annotation A competency-based approach is playing the leading role in the modernization process of the system of education nowadays. According to the Federal State Educational Standard one of the crucial professional competences is the preparedness “to apply modern methods and technologies at a certain stage of the educational process, including information technologies, to provide the quality of the educational and bringing-up process”. In the new edition of the Federal State Educational Standard an emphasis is laid upon “the ability to use modern methods and technologies of teaching and diagnostics”. In order to understand if the educational process in the pedagogical university meets the challenges, we held an opinion poll among the students of Ural State Pedagogical University (those of the second to last and last year of study). Students were asked to estimate in five point grading scale characteristics of a university class (from the point of view “how it should be” and “how it actually is”) in the following two sections “Methodology of teaching” and “Interaction of the subjects of the educational process”. This research is intended to analyze the ability of the future teachers to apply the modern teaching methods and techniques. The obtained findings indicate the necessity to improve the educational process in both substantive and organizational aspects.
Key words competency-based approach, training of the future teachers, preparedness and ability to use modern educational methods and techniques
Article information
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