Article name Formation of the Future Teachers’ Professional IT-Competence in the Study of the Interdisciplinary Course “Theory and Methods of IT Use in Preschool Educational Institution”
Authors Pakhomova T.Y.Teacher masskva_te@mail.ri
Bibliographic description Pakhomova T. E. Formation of the Future Teachers’ Professional IT-Competence in the Study of the Interdisciplinary Course “Theory and Methods of IT Use in Preschool Educational Institution” // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 6. PP. 44–52. (Series Vocational Education, Theory and Methods of Teaching). DOI: 10.21209/2308-8796-2016-11-6-44-52.
DOI 10.21209/2308-8796-2016-11-6-44-52
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation The article discusses the problem of the formation of IT-competence of future teachers of preschool children and methods of formation of its audit. It is proved that the formation of IT-competence to consider the competences represented in the federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education, professional standard of teacher preschool education, competences recommended by the employers (heads of preschool educational organizations). The hypothesis of research is formed, and therefore the introduction of interdisciplinary pedagogical college course in the educational process is justified, in which the formation of the IT-competence of students is through the development and use of special means of teaching, the students’ work is organized in the pedagogical cluster on the application of IT in education. The article presents the structure of the interdisciplinary course “Theory and methods of use of IT in preschool educational institution” for the specialty “Preschool education”. The section “Workshop on electronic gaming educational resources for preschool children” is considered in more detail, its foundation is laboratory works which make up the training-methodical and competence-oriented tasks. The table with examples of training-methodical tasks of three levels (basic, elevated, advanced) is presented. The article describes the implemented project within the teaching cluster organized on the basis of Chita Pedagogical College, the purpose of which was to create conditions for improving the efficiency and quality of training, development and education of children in preschool educational institution. The project of the interaction of the students of specialty “Preschool education”, college teachers, teachers of preschool educational organizations of Chita and children is designed to test the formation of IT-competence among students. The results of a survey of students and interviews with teachers of preschool educational organizations are presented, they concern the interaction in pedagogical cluster and assessment of its effectiveness.
Key words interdisciplinary course, IT-competence, training-methodical task, pedagogical cluster
Article information
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Full articleFormation of the Future Teachers’ Professional IT-Competence in the Study of the Interdisciplinary Course “Theory and Methods of IT Use in Preschool Educational Institution”