Article name Development of Professional Competences of Students of Electrical Power Specialties within Dual Training
Authors Vaganova V.I.Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate professor
Zonkhoev G.B.Candidate of Engineering Science, Associate Professor
Kruzhikhin V.S.Director
Dasheev D.E.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Vaganova V. I., Zonkhoev G. B., Kruzhikhin V. S., Dasheev D. E. Development of Professional Competences of Students of Electrical Power Specialties within Dual Training // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 6. PP. 58–64. (Series Vocational Education, Theory and Methods of Teaching). DOI: 10.21209/2308- 8796-2016-11-6-58-64.
DOI 10.21209/2308-8796-2016-11-6-58-64
UDK 378.14
Article type
Annotation Modern requirements for employers to future specialist necessitate a major change in objectives, content and function of vocational education. The big problem of higher education today is the gap between the theory that students get in an educational institution, and practical skills that are expected of them by employers and the labor market. One of the ways to address this problem is the dual vocational training system widely used in European countries. The main substantive concept of the dual vocational training system is based on strengthening the practical orientation during training through educational synthesizing and manufacturing processes, which significantly increases the possibility of professional mobility of graduates. This article studied professional standards, made an analysis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of preparation 13.03.02 Electric Power Industry and Electrical engineering (undergraduate level). We compiled basic educational program in collaboration with employers, taking into account the basic requirements of the company and identified the main areas of cooperation between educational institutions and enterprises in the implementation of the dual training system. The developed dual education system provides training of specialists, the level of professional competence to satisfy the requirements of the educational standard of the enterprise and corporate requirements.
Key words dual education, professional competencies, professional training, basic educational program
Article information
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