Article name Competence in Professional Education in Literature in Kyrgyzstan and Russia
Authors Akmatov B.M.Candidate of Philology
Bibliographic description Akmatov B. M. Competence in Professional Education in Literature in Kyrgyzstan and Russia // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 6. PP. 138–142. (Series Vocational Education, Theory and Methods of Teaching).
UDK 372.882
Article type
Annotation The article deals with issues relating to competence in textbooks and teaching materials used in higher professional education in literature in Russia and Kyrgyzstan. We give a brief analysis of the textbooks published in the Russian Federation. Kyrgyzstan has accepted the new educational standards, and there are no their own textbooks and teaching aids for literature. The textbooks used in the universities of the country were published in Russia. Main attention is paid to the problem of competencies, skills and abilities that the students need to acquire studying at universities in the field of literature. Scientists from Kyrgyzstan walking along the path of new educational technologies pay attention to the experience of textbooks which is obtained in the Russian Federation. Kyrgyzstan educational personnel are aimed at developing a set of competences in the literature for the universities, different from the set of competencies, resulting in secondary education.
Key words competence, education science, skill, knowledge, practice skill, professional education
Article information
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