Article name Variability in the Coefficient of Biological Absorption of Heavy Metals in Hemerocallis hybrida Vegetative Organs
Authors Sedelnikova L.L.Doctor of Science (Biology), senior research scientist
Chankina O.V.Researcher
Bibliographic description Sedel’nikova L. L., Chankina O. V. Variability in the Coefficient of Biological Absorption of Heavy Metals in Hemerocallis hybrida Vegetative Organs // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Biological sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 45–51.
UDK 635.9:572.8:581.192.6(571.14)
Article type
Annotation Results of the study of the coefficient of biological absorption of heavy metals, such as lead, nickel, cobalt, zinc, iron, manganese, calcium, strontium, and copper by leaves and rhizomes of Hemerocallis hybrida (family Hemerocallidaceae) are presented. Elemental composition was determined by x-ray fluorescence analysis using synchrotron radiation (XRF SR), based on the interaction of matter with high-energy electromagnetic radiation SI. The absorption of the above elements by the vegetative organs in the cultivars Regal Air and Speak to me grown in the urban environment was analyzed. The variability of the coefficient of biological absorption in the aboveground and underground organs of these elements was studied. The comparative analysis of the coefficients of biological absorption of heavy metals by leaves and rhizomes of Hemerocallis hybrida grown near seven industrial areas, motor roads of Novosibirsk and Berdsk was conducted. It is noted that the coefficients of biological absorption of lead, nickel, cobalt, zinc, iron, manganese, copper, in urban growing conditions are higher as compared with the control plants. Individual variability of the coefficient of biological absorption of these elements in underground and aboveground organs in control and experimental variants was established. The coefficients of biological absorption of zinc, cobalt, nickel, manganese, copper by leaves of kinds of Regal Air and Speak to me from the experienced samples grown close to the motorway and industrial zone (seven variant) of reinforced concrete are the highest compared with other variants. The coefficients of biological absorption of these elements by leaves of Regal Air 1.2–1.8 times higher than Speak to me was discovered. Sort specificity in the accumulation of heavy metals in vegetative organs was marked.
Key words coefficient of biological absorption, heavy metal, synchrotron X-ray diffraction, rhizome, leaf, Hemerocallis hybrida, urban environment
Article information
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Full articleVariability in the Coefficient of Biological Absorption of Heavy Metals in Hemerocallis hybrida Vegetative Organs