Article name Influence of Siberian Larch Water Extract on Processes of Peroxide Oxidation of Lipids under Stress in an Experiment
Authors Kokhan S.T.Candidate of Medicine, Associate Professor
Pateyuk A.V.Doctor of Medicine, Professor
Bibliographic description Kokhan S. T., Pateyuk A. V. Influence of Siberian Larch Water Extract on Processes of Peroxide Oxidation of Lipids under Stress in an Experiment // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Biological sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 154–159.
UDK 613.3
Article type
Annotation Woodworking production is actively developing in the Siberian region. Waste of such production is sawdust. The question of utilization of such waste is particularly acute. A lot of people are currently experiencing heightened emotional strain, hypodynamia, etc. that lead to decrease in organism resistance. Acceptance of vegetable means increases efficiency of protective and compensatory mechanisms, normalizes exchange processes, strengthens removal of toxic metabolites from the organism. Taking adaptogenic medicines results in metabolic changes. Under the influence of such medicines decrease in pathological biochemical, physiological and functional violations of protein, carbohydrate, lipid and water-salt exchanges is noted; glucose utilization increases, there is a mobilization of lipid depot and, as a result, increase in use of lipids as oxidation substrata; in case of extreme impacts depletion in a hypophysis- adrenal system decreases. Based on the above-mentioned, the research carried out proved that use of Ekstrapinus extract reduces pathological violations caused by stress. Considering absence of toxicity, it is possible to recommend its application in the recommended doses in case of a stress. In an experiment it is proved that Ekstrapinus extract recovers energy potential of cells when modeling a stress, normalizes balance in the system “peroxide oxidation of lipids – antioxidant protection”, energy potential of cells maintains normal thiols content in an animal organism against the background of a stress.
Key words water extract, Siberian larch, peroxide oxidation of lipids
Article information
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Full articleInfluence of Siberian Larch Water Extract on Processes of Peroxide Oxidation of Lipids under Stress in an Experiment