Article |
Article name |
On the Formation of Regionalization as a Main Strategy for the Development of Vocational Education in China |
Authors |
Liu Zhiyan ..Postgraduate Student kira– |
Bibliographic description |
Liu Zhiyan. On the Formation of Regionalization as a Main Strategy for the Development of Vocational Education in China // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, № 1. PP. 14–21. |
Section |
377(510) |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article analyzes the aspects of regionalization of vocational education in the PRC as the main strategy for the development of vocational education in the country. With China’s accession to the WTO (2001), documents on vocational education became in demand and the promotion of vocational education in the regions is particular important for economic development of China. Formation of regionalization of vocational education in China began with the widespread regulation of the structure of specialties in the system of vocational education that was oriented to regional industrial development, especially to services in a particular region. The key objective of vocational education is the introduction mechanisms of interaction between professional educational organizations and enterprises in order to change the traditional model of training. The characteristics of the development of vocational education in the regions were connected with accelerated industrialization, urbanization, the development of new high technologies in the production sectors. On the basis of analyzing the characteristics of regionalization of vocational education in accordance with the specifics of the socio-economic development of certain regions, the author identifies models for the development of vocational education in the regions and concludes that regionalization of vocational education is characterized by various forms of cooperation between vocational schools and enterprises. In the eastern economically developed regions of China effective and significant mechanisms for the reproduction of personnel in institutions of higher vocational education are mainly adopted, and in the western underdeveloped and border regions the models for training personnel in institutions of secondary vocational education are chosen. In addition, this article studies management mechanisms of regional cooperation for the elimination of regional imbalances in the development of vocational education.
Key words |
regionalization, the formation of regionalization, educational model, strategy for the development of vocational education, regional cooperation |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | On the Formation of Regionalization as a Main Strategy for the Development of Vocational Education in China |