Article name About Formation of Demanded Evaluation System of Qualifications in Worldskills’ Format
Authors Smolina O.A.Postgraduate Student,
Bibliographic description Smolina O. A. About Formation of Demanded Evaluation System of Qualifications in Worldskills’ Format // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, № 2. PP. 32–40.
UDK 377
Article type
Annotation The article discusses a popular question of the evaluation system of qualifications in vocational education. The main areas of the Lisbon Convention determine reform strategy of vocational education and training in most countries, which consider themselves a leader of vocational education and training. According to the Copenhagen process, uniform criteria of quality assessment, uniform qualifications frameworks, uniform evaluation tools, recognition and certification of qualifications are developed. Assessment of the quality of qualifications is currently one of the most important issues concerning the development of not only the education system but the economy as a whole. The paper discusses meaningful integration relationship of education and labour market’s requirements. Currently, the new system of efficient external quality assessment tools is emerging in Russia. The author gives a brief idea about international championship movement WorldSkills as an effective evaluation standard of qualifications. The paper deals with introduction of practical examinations, the assessment of qualifications by the WorldSkills’ standards, which allow us to control much more fully knowledge of students, to correct contents of disciplines. Successful passing of the examination in such format means readiness of the student for professional activity in the chosen area.
Key words Worldskills, vocational education, evaluation system of qualifications, occupational standards, education quality, practical examinations
Article information
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