Article name Influence of Psychological Characteristics or Personal Potential on the Choice of Behavior Strategies of University Students
Authors Matyash N. .Doctor of Psychology, Professor
Ereschenko Y.V.Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor
Drobyshevskaya I.V.Candidate of Psychology, Assistant
Bibliographic description Matyash N. V., Ereschenko Yu. V., Drobyshevskaya I. V. Influence of Psychological Characteristics or Personal Potential on the Choice of Behavior Strategies of University Students // Scholarly No- tes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, № 2. PP. 66–74. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-2-66-74.
DOI 10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-2-66-74
UDK 37.032
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the psychological characteristics of personal potential defining the behavior strategy in various situations as the most important component of the professional competence of the future expert. The personal potential of the professional is considered in the context of personality orientation, the definition is based on the system of the individual’s relations with and concept of the world around and self-concept, on the hierarchy of values and outlook. The goal of the research is to study the features of coping behavior depending on the psychological characteristics of the potential of the personality, such as self-actualization and self-relation. The representative selection (n = 226) shows some tendencies – favorable and unfavorable – of such manifestations of personal potential as self-actualization and the peculiarities of the I-system from the point of view of self-relation of the personality when dealing with difficult life situations. According to the typology of the personal potential of students – sociable, rapt in the study process, risky, pragmatic, intuitive – we revealed significant interrelations of the personality types with the features of coping behavior. The conducted research has shown the need of further development of the concept of personal potential, the operationalization of which allows us to reveal the psychological opportunities of the personality on the way to self-improvement, development of creative potential, without which the professional growth of the personality is impossible.
Key words personal potential, self-actualization, I-system, self-relation, coping behavior, coping-strategy
Article information
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