Article |
Article name |
Upbringing of Volitional Qualities of Secondary School Students at Lessons of Physical Education |
Authors |
Nikolenko Y.F. uliya-22@yandex.ruGebert V.K.Candidate of Pedagogy |
Bibliographic description |
Nikolenko Yu. F., Gebert V. K. Upbringing of Volitional Qualities of Secondary School Students at Lessons of Physical Education // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, №. 2. PP. 124–133. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-2-124-133. |
Section |
10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-2-124-133 |
373:796 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The problem of development of volitional qualities of schoolchildren is a subject of study of many researchers due to the fact that persistence, tenacity, determination, endurance are essential components of volitional sphere for a successful educational activity, including physical education and child development. The article discusses the theoretical aspects of the formation of volitional sphere of secondary school students in physical exercise. Active classes, a variety of exercise make students to demonstrate persistence, tenacity, determination, will to win, creates a confidence that helps to overcome the increasing difficulties for physical education classes and specific tasks. Experimental methods of upbringing of volitional qualities of students of secondary school at lessons of physical education are presented. The technique is based on selecting certain activities of students at the lessons of gymnastics for the formation of specific volitional qualities of adolescents. We justified effectiveness of experimental methods and impact indicators on the willpower of students. We identified five levels of development of volitional qualities of students, determination, guts, determination, perseverance-persistence, self-initiative, self-exposure, the parameters of the severity and generalization. It is determined that one of the most effective ways of formation and development of volitional qualities is a purposeful use of means of physical education.
Key words |
education, personality, physical qualities, pupils of the primary school, lessons of physical education |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Upbringing of Volitional Qualities of Secondary School Students at Lessons of Physical Education |