Article name Image in the Professional Activity of a Social Worker
Authors Vorotilkina I.M.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, m-Liga@
Nekozyreva K.S.Second Year Master’s Degree Student
Bibliographic description Vorotilkina I. M., Nekozyreva K. S. Image in the Professional Activity of a Social Worker // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Social Sciences Series. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 13–22.
UDK 31
Article type
Annotation The article discusses the concept of image from the viewpoint of different authors, its diversity and the main components. Based on the results of such researchers as S. A. Kambolov, I. P. Tikhonov, E. B. Perelygina and others, the article presents the structure of image formation and develops a model of the image of a social worker using the elements of S. A. Kambolov’s structural-functional model of the image of a social worker. The authors attempt to show the structure of the individual image of a social worker as the basis for forming a professional image. The importance of image is shown in the professional activity of a social worker. The article analyzes the research, the purpose of which is to identify the role of image in the professional activity of a social worker. The results of the research show that image plays an important role and has a positive impact on the professional activity of a social worker. A well-thought-out image of a social worker helps to enhance confidence and remove impediments between him and his clients, thereby increasing his professional image of a social worker.
Key words image, social worker, individual image, personality, congruence
Article information
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Full articleImage in the Professional Activity of a Social Worker