Article name Modern Society as a “Performance Society”
Authors Napso M.D.Doctor of Sociology, Professor
Bibliographic description Napso M. D. Modern Society as a “Performance Society” // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Social Sciences Series. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 23–29. DOI: 10.21209/2500-171X-2017-12-3-23-29.
DOI 10.21209/2500-171X-2017-12-3-23-29
UDK 316. 25
Article type
Annotation The subject of the analysis of this article is to understand modern society as a “performance society”. The purpose of the article is to show the “theatricality” of the consumer society, to explore the processes of theatricalization, the role of social illusions, the phenomenon of social roles, the relation of the real and the symbolic. The article investigates the phenomena of commodification, of excessive and demonstrative consumption, traces the influence of social illusions on the formation of value orientations and moral and ethical attitudes of postmodern society. The author considers the processes of virtualization, the substitutions of the real and the surreal, the real and the invented, analyzes the role of social illusions in the formation of mythologemеs that more and more acquire the ontological status. The problems of the article carry the elements of scientific novelty and relevance. Formed ideologemеs and virtual practices are in demand by the consumer society, in which sociality has acquired dramatized lines. “The performance society” erases the borders between freedom and lack of freedom, forms distorted views and ideas and creates the image of a “playing” person. Life acquires the features of a social masquerade, in which social masks replace one another. In these phenomena, as well as in the processes of manipulating the mass and individual consciousness, an important role is played by PR-technologies which are also discussed in the article.
Key words “performance society”, consumption, theatricality, social illusion, simulacrum,symbolic image, virtualization
Article information
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Full articleModern Society as a “Performance Society”