Article name Main Directions in the Development of Tutorial Educational Technologies for Foreign Students in Russian Universities
Authors Korshunova N.L.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Sun Xiapin ..Doctoral Candidate
Bibliographic description Korshunova N. L., Sun Xiapin. Main Directions in the Development of Tutorial Educational Technologies for Foreign Students in Russian Universities // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Professional Education, Theory and Methodology of Teaching. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 6. PP. 80–86.
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the description of technologies of tutorial activity in the work with foreign students in Russian universities. The technological approach to teaching and communication involves a tool supply of tutorial activities with a guarantee of achieving the desired objective. The technology of tutorial activities, according to the author, should consist of the following components: methods, techniques, modes of operation, sequence of operations and procedures; direct dependence on the equipment, instruments and materials used. The article shows that the choice of one or the other method requires simultaneous consideration of all factors, including random (unknown) causes, the magnitude and direction of the impact of which cannot be predicted in advance. It is alleged that the framework of the pedagogical position of a tutor is also a system of personal attitudes that are implemented in the processes of interpersonal interaction with students. A thorough analysis of the results of modern research in the field of education allows the author to distinguish three different tutorial approaches, each of which offers its own basis for combining various education proposals into the individual educational program, and, accordingly, creates a certain type of tutorial activity: 1) tutor practices of distance education help listeners (pupils, students) to build their learning process using the skill of working in the Internet environment; 2) tutor practices of open education develop and use open social technologies, which enable through open education to establish institutions of civil society; 3) tutor practice as a support of an individual educational program that accompanies the whole process of designing and building educational programs, ranging from primary cognitive interest, deepening this interest through educational research or projects, and tutor consulting in the field of professional education programs.
Key words tutorial activities, technologies of tutorial activities, types of tutorial activities, tutor practices
Article information
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Full articleMain Directions in the Development of Tutorial Educational Technologies for Foreign Students in Russian Universities