Article name System-activity Approach to Teaching Schoolchildren to Give Developed Verbal Responses to Linguistic Topics
Authors Cherepanova T.V.Candidate of Sociology, associate professor
Bibliographic description Cherepanova L. V. System-activity Approach to Teaching Schoolchildren to Give Developed Verbal Responses to Linguistic Topics // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Professional Education, Theory and Methodology of Teaching. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 6. PP. 115–127. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8796-2017-12-6-115-127.
DOI 10.21209/2308-8796-2017-12-6-115-127
UDK 81’1
Article type
Annotation The system-activity approach, proclaimed by the Federal State Education Standard for the Basic General Education as a leading approach to modern school education, determines the development of the system of teaching speaking. The purpose of the article is to identify the essence of the system-activity approach to teaching schoolchildren to produce extended responses on a linguistic topic; to determine the content of the training through the specification of the general outcomes of teaching the Russian language announced by the FSES of the basic general education; to justify the need in modeling the techniques, methods, and technologies aimed at achieving subject and meta-subject outcomes. The study is carried out by the following methods: analyzing the potential of educational complexes for teaching Russian; monitoring the students’ speech and analyzing their ability to produce the given genre of academic speech; specifying and modeling teaching technologies. To identify the system of training oral answers and its elements as well as to justify the need to supply the already existing training system by the system-activity approach, the potential of the Russian language training complex, edited by S. I. L’vova was studied at the first stage of the research. The level of the students’ proficiency in building an oral answer and making a speech in front of the audience was estimated at the second stage. The study confirms that the system-activity approach requires the development of the system of teaching oral speech based on the formation of subject competencies, the organization of the learning process in accordance with the phases, the implementation of various mental operations and perfection of the speaking skills system. The article describes the specified subject and meta-subject outcomes of teaching schoolchildren to produce oral and detailed responses in the framework of the system-activity approach. It has been determined that they stipulate the use of such techniques, methods and technologies as, for example, a thematic language portfolio. The article proves that the system-activity approach allows the author to identify the missing elements of the system, to correct and enrich the content of training, to actualize the techniques, methods and technologies that meet modern challenges and that the oral, in-depth answer has the potential to form a spectrum of subject and meta-subject knowledge and skills, which are necessary for a modern student.
Key words system-activity approach, extended verbal response to the linguistic theme, subject outcomes of teaching Russian, meta-subject outcomes of teaching Russian, system of teaching oral speech, thematic language portfolio
Article information
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Full articleSystem-activity Approach to Teaching Schoolchildren to Give Developed Verbal Responses to Linguistic Topics