Article name Foreign Languages in Commercial Education in Russia: Historical and Pedagogical Analysis
Authors Levchenko O.Y.Candidate of Pedagogy, associate professor levchenkozip@
Bibliographic description Levchenko O. Yu. Foreign Languages in Commercial Education in Russia: Historical and Pedagogical Analysis // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Professional Education, Theory and Methodology of Teaching. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 6. PP. 174–180. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8796-2017-12-6-174-180.
DOI 10.21209/2308-8796-2017-12-6-174-180
UDK 377(091)
Article type
Annotation The study, theoretical comprehension and generalization of the historical experience of domestic vocational education are topical in modern conditions. The article is devoted to the history of foreign language teaching in Russian commercial education in the middle of the 18th – beginning of the 20th century. Foreign languages (“new languages”) were studied in commercial schools, some trade schools and trade classes. The studied materials allow the author to identify the goals, methods and learning tools for teaching foreign languages in commercial educational institutions. The author analyzes the programs of commercial schools and identifies how the process of teaching reading, speaking and writing in a foreign language was realized. The course of commercial correspondence allowed to get acquainted with professional vocabulary and acquire the skills of business correspondence in a foreign language. The study of historical and pedagogical sources clearly demonstrates the attention of the representatives of trade, commerce and entrepreneurship to the development of commercial education. The retained materials of the congresses of the directors and representatives of the boards of trustees are an important source of information and are of undoubted interest in the context of studying the history of foreign language teaching in Russia. To analyse the history of commercial education in Transbaikal the author uses archival documents.
Key words history of vocational education, commercial education, foreign languages
Article information
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Full articleForeign Languages in Commercial Education in Russia: Historical and Pedagogical Analysis