Article |
Article name |
Finding Rare Species of Vascular Plants in Chikoy National Park (Trans-Baikal Territory) |
Authors |
Popova O.A.Doctor of Science (Biology), professor of the department biology and methods of teaching biology popova@zabspu.ruAndrievskaya E.A.Candidate of Biology andrievsk_katya@mail.ruLeskov A.P.Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor artem-leskov@inbox.ruPershina N.A.Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor bupleurum24@mail.ruShcheglova S.N.Candidate of Biology |
Bibliographic description |
Popova O. A., Andrievskaya E. A., Leskov A. P., Pershina N. A., Shcheglova S. N. Finding Rare Species of Vascular Plants in Chikoy National Park (Trans-Baikal Territory) // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Biological sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 1. PP. 66–73. DOI: 10.21209/2500-1701-2018-13-1-66-73. |
Section |
10.21209/2500-1701-2018-13-1-66-73 |
58 (571.55) |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article reports on research findings of rare species of plants from Chikoy National Park. We
found thirteen species of rare plants included in the Red Book of Trans-Baikal Territory (2017). Three
species of plants from Orchidaceae(Cypripedium macranthonSw., Cypripedium calceolusL. and Neottiante cucullata(L.) Schlechter.) family are included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation (2008).
Of the thirteen rare plant species found in the study, two species (Gagea hiensisPasch. and Phyllodoce
cоerlua(L.) Bab.) were recorded in the territory of Chikoy National Park for the first time. The study revealed that Gagea hiensis in Siberia occurred in Kyrinsky district, Trans-Baikal Territory, in the Agutsa
River basin, at the mouth of Kumyl-Aliya stream (Sokhondo Nature Reserve), in Krasnochikoysky district along the Cheremkhovka River, near Cheremkhovo, along the Zhindokon River, near the village of
Zhindo. Phyllodoce cоеrulea was found in Kalarsky district, Trans-Baikal Territory, at Lake Nichatka and
along the Bystraya River (Chikoy ridge), on the Sokhondo mountain range (the sources of the Left Bereya River). Gagea hiensison the territory of Chikoy National Park was found at the Starka cordon, the
right bank of the Asinka River, a tributary of the Derbil River. There were two small populations of Phyllodoce cоеruleain the highlands at the Shumilovsky cordon. In the populations of rare species found,
continuous monitoring of their condition is necessary.
Key words |
Gagea hiensis, Phyllodoce cоеrulea, rare species, new habitats, Chikoy National Park,
Trans-Baikal Territory |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Finding Rare Species of Vascular Plants in Chikoy National Park (Trans-Baikal Territory) |