Article name Increase in Efficiency of Mastering Educational Material by Students during the Implementation of the Educational Activities of the Military Institute
Authors Borovitskiy A.M.Lieutenant Colonel
Bibliographic description Borovitskiy A. M. Increase in Efficiency of Mastering Educational Material by Students during the Implementation of the Educational Activities of the Military Institute // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 2. PP. 65–70. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-2-65-70.
DOI 10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-2-65-70
UDK 378.147
Article type
Annotation Modern requirements to the competence of the personnel (employees) of the National Guard troops of the Russian Federation encourage the implementation of new forms and methods into the educational activities to increase the efficiency of mastering educational material, as well as the dialogic interaction between teachers and students. This approach promotes the formation of a comprehensive and harmonious development of a personality of the future officers of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. In the article, the author considers the choice and application of the most important forms and methods to increase the efficiency of educational activity of cadets of military Institute taking into account specifics of this educational institution both in professional formation of the future officer and taking into account presence of the system of restrictions in access and processing of digital information. The combination of increasing the cognitive activity of cadets, the formation of critical thinking and assessment of the situation through the examples of solving real problems in the course of military service officers’ mentors allow teachers to awake interest of cadets in the classroom. Solving of the dialogical tasks by means of introducing situational role-plays in the classroom has positive impact on the level of assimilation of educational material and further enhances the professional skills of future officers of the troops of the National Guard. The advantage of active and interactive methods of teaching over classical methods during seminars and practical group classes becomes obvious.
Key words professional education, educational activity, cadets, national guard troops, increase of efficiency of mastering of educational material
Article information
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