Article name Quasistationary Dynamic Model of Fluid Flow to the Well
Authors Tolpaev V.A.Doctor of Physics and Ma-thematics, Professor
Akhmedov K.S.Candidate of Engineering Science, Director of Scientific Center of Information Technologies, (Ставрополь, Россия)
Kravtsov A.M.Candidate of Physics and Mathematics
Petrosyan V.A. Candidate of Sociology,,
Bibliographic description Tolpayev V. A., Akhmedov K. S., Kravtsov A. M., Petrosyants M. T. Quasistationary Dynamic Model of Fluid Flow to the Well // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Technology. 2018. Vol. 13, No 4. PP. 24-32. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8761-2018-13-4-24-32.
DOI 10.21209/2308-8761-2018-13-4-24-32
UDK 622
Article type
Annotation The article proposes a simplified dynamic statement of the linear filtration problem with the replacement of the classical static condition at the bottom of the well with the dynamic boundary conditions of the steady-state regime of harmonic pressure pulsations. The estimation of the oscillation correction to the static solution for pressure and flow rate is obtained. Analytical dependencies for well flow rates allow us to describe more accurately the filtration processes in the reservoir system, taking into account the dynamic character of the processes at the bottom of the well.
Key words pressure pulsation, filtration, formation system, dynamics, dynamic correction, operations planning
Article information
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Full articleQuasistationary Dynamic Model of Fluid Flow to the Well