Article |
Article name |
Peculiarities of Frenel Formulas Use for Calculating the Amplitude and Phase of Refracted and Reflected Plane Electromagnetic Waves at the Interface of Nanostructured Heterogeneous and Moistened Dispersed Media |
Authors |
Lukyanov P.Y. lukyanovpu@yandex.ruTsyrenzhapov S.V.Junior Researcher lgc255@mail.ruKharin Y.V.Engineer, Institute of Natural Resources lgc255@mail.ruShchegrina K.A.Postgraduate Student |
Bibliographic description |
Lukyanov P. Yu., Tsyrenzhapov S. V., Kharin Yu. V., Schegrina K. A. Peculiarities of Frenel Formulas Use for Calculating the Amplitude and Phase of Refracted and Reflected Plane Electromagnetic Waves at the Interface of Nanostructured Heterogeneous and Moistened Dispersed Media // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Technology. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 4. PP. 118-126. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8761-2018-13- 4-118-126. |
Section |
10.21209/2308-8761-2018-13-4-118-126 |
556.5.07; 556.047 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The peculiarities of using Fresnel formulas in various forms for calculating the refraction and reflection of electromagnetic waves on a flat interface with allowance for specific effects, the manifestation of which is expected in nanostructured heterogeneous and moistened dispersive media, including those near the critical temperatures at the Widom line are discussed in the article. Issues on the phase of reflected and refracted waves depending on the combination of electromagnetic characteristics of media and geometric factors, as well as the question of the reflected wave phase change near the Brewster angle are considered. We suggest so- called “intuitive” definition for equal phase of two plane electromagnetic waves propagating in different directions, which makes it possible to simplify substantially the formulations of the rules identifying the phase of electromagnetic waves reflected from the media interface.
Key words |
dielectric permeability, magnetic permeability, Fresnel formulas, interface, nanostructured heterogeneous medium, wet dispersion medium |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Peculiarities of Frenel Formulas Use for Calculating the Amplitude and Phase of Refracted and Reflected Plane Electromagnetic Waves at the Interface of Nanostructured Heterogeneous and Moistened Dispersed Media |